Entry ID2746
Date CreatedNovember 4, 2023
Father NameMd Wakeel
Participant NameNajma Khatoon
Date of Birth06/10/1970
Complete Address (As per Aadhar)Md Naim, Barmatpur, Post Damodarpur, P.S-Kanti,Distt-Muzaffarpur
Business Details
Under Which Trade/Scheme you are enrolledMSME
Enter your Business NameNajma SeaShell Jewellery Handicraft
Enter Your Business TradeConch shells
Enter Your Product Detail to be displayed in IITFShip Jewellery craft
Business AddressBarmatpur
Identity Details
Aadhar No.9471-3544-7656
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Mobile No.(929) 767-2711
Social CategoryGEN
Bank Details
Bank NameCentral Bank of India
Account No.3923908478
IFSC CodeCBIN0281803
Other Details
Do you have experience in participating in India International Trade Fair (IITF), New Delhi in last two years?Yes
Years of Experience in Practicing The TradeMore than 7 years
Enter PNR No of your Railway Ticket6856064756
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Upendra Maharathi Shilp Anusandhan Sansthan
Patliputra Industrial Area
Patna – 800 013. Bihar. India.

Opening Hours:

Mon – Sat: 10:00 am – 05:00 pm

Meeting Hours:

Artisans/Weavers can meet Director on every Saturday between 3:00PM to 5:00 PM.

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